Digital Design

Lab 8




Salutations everyone! My name is Wei Jian Zhen. There is a growing shadow of problems here in current day United States of America. Those problems are related to net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle of equal service or sharing of internet service from companies called internet service providers or ISPs. ISPs provide data packets that are used in Internet Protocol (IP) transmissions that travel and connect to the World Wide Web. Internet protocols are a set of rules that direct data sent from and to networks. According to the website Techopedia, your IP address is a set of numbers and/or letters that defines your location of your computer so that IP transmissions can get to your computer to give you internet. Another term that relates to net neutrality is TCPs. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. According to the website, TCPs allow the users to exchange data between each other with lossless data transmissions. ISPs under net neutrality laws are required to not discriminate against any person and not slow down or throttle the internet to you. Although in June 11, 2018 net neutrality has been repealed by the FCC in the United States of America according to the New York Times. Proponents say that it benefits businesses. But with this act alone, many Americans face the threat of ISPs impairing the consumers of internet service where once the internet was a safer place to visit and be in. There are many ways ISPs can do this according to Wikipedia. One example of this is discriminating against protocols. So ISPs can block or slow down your internet service to a halt for whatever reason they want. Another example is the discrimination of IP addresses where ISPs can block websites from you by hiding their IP addresses to the internet causing you to not find that particular website. There are many more that ISPs can do but unfortunately we don’t have time today. Please have a great day and please vote for net neutrality back!

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