Privacy Policy

All information collected by the website and the creator of this website, including names, addresses, phone numbers, email adresses, location, and other forms of personal or non-personal information will be stored privately within the servers supporting the website. Information is primarily collected from the users of the website through web forms and surveys. Information gathered from the users wil be temporarily stored in the servers of the website and will be lost or deleted once the user has reloaded the webpage or exited out of the webpage or website. The user is not required to input any information that the website asks from them. Third party plug-ins and programs used in the website are used for enhancing the website and only recieve little to no information from the users of the website. All advertisements are not paid to the creator of this website to provide, promote, or endorse the advertisers. The creator of this website does not make money of its advertisements and only endorses products that he believes in. There is no use of analytics that interact or track the users in this website. Any changes to the website according to the privacy of users or the website will be documented and will be changed in the Privacy Policy.


All information collected by the website will not be stored or documented permanently from the user(s). The website is not equipped to handle extremely confidential and personal information from the user(s). Example include but not limited to social security numbers or bank account statements. User discretion is advised when inputing information in the website. The creator of this website is not be responsible or liable for third party actions and data collection from users in the website. The creator of this website furthermore is not responsible for any wrongdoings or illegal activity by the user(s). If the user(s) of the website are found liable to any wrongdoings or illegal activity that negatively impacts, effects, defames, or harms the website, its creator of the website, or both, the user(s) in suspect will be subject to liability, legal procedures, fines, imprisonment, punishments in which the court may deem fit, or all of the above. This website and the creator of this website also is not liable or responsible for the availability, usefullness, or accuracy of any information transmitted or made available via the website. The website and the creator of the website shall not be responsible for any ommissions or errors within the website whether publicly or privately. This website does not support the browsers of Internet Explorer 6 and below and the creator of this website will not be responsible or liable to any technical dificulties, distress, or errors to the user(s) of the website that run or access this website through the mentioned browsers of Internet Explorer 6 and below. This website and the creator of this website is under United States juristiction and laws. United States Fair Use laws apply to this website. The purpose of this website is primarily for educational purposes and job oppurtunities. The creator of this website and its third parties do not make any profit off or from users that visit the website in any form, fashion, or manner.