1. What do you hope to learn while you create a game for the G4C Student Challenge? What obstacles do you expect to face while creating a game? What are you looking forward to about the G4C Student Challenge?

I hope to learn more about programming games, game design, and how to make games without the use of websites that have their own JavaScript Library. Just vanilla JavaScript with no blocks or anything that is built for beginners. I expect that I will face time constraints and bugs while creating a game that will hinder my productivity or quality of the game. I am looking forward to compete in the G4C Student Challenge with my games.

2. Show us how you hacked Tic Tac Toe. Show photos of your game boards, and write instructions for how to play your new version of the game. Write 1-2 sentences about each part of your game: the space, goal, mechanics, components and rules. Don’t forget to give your new version a new name!

The space of the revised Tic Tac Toe game is on a 3D cube. The goal is to get 4/6 Tic Tac Toe boards 3 X's or O's in a row. The game mechanic of the revised Tic Tac Toe game are X's and O's, a 3D rotatable cube, grid, and turns. The game components are the 3D cube, grid, and X's and O's. The rules are that each player gets a turn to put a an X or an O at one grid. There are multiple grids that cover the faces of the 3D rotatable cube. Once the player is done with their turn, the other player get their turn to put down an X or an O on one of the grids. If a box on one of the grids is occupied by a player, then the other player cannot put down an X or an O on the same box on the grid. The name is 3D Tic Tac Toe.

3. Add a new mechanic to a popular game that you can play with others, or send along to your friends to have them try. Document the new game in writing or with a short video and upload it to your project work. Make sure you identify the 5 parts of your game.

SingSkrib.io is a game where you sing as well as draw with people online for them to guess what the painting/image is. The space is a chatroom with a canvas on screen for a player to draw on. The goal is to guess the drawing that the artist player is drawing while the artist player is trying to deceive the players with their drawing and singing. The game mechanics are a chatroom, canvas, and singing. The game components are the canvas, color/paint for the player to draw, chatroom, and mute. The rules are that players earn points based on if they can guess the artwork or deceive the players. Whoever get the most points at a certain time like 5 minutes wins. The artist player can sing to further confuse the players when they are guessing. Players can also get muted or kicked out of the game if they spam in the chat or if they sing too loudly or do not sing.

4. Copy and paste the URL at the bottom of Space Invaders here to share your remix! Make sure it is the hardest version of Space Invaders that you can still win. Explain what you changed and why, and it what it was like testing your game to make sure it was still winnable.

Space Invaders can be changed in difficulty by speeding up the spaceships/aliens’ attack rate and movement that are attacking the player. Another way that the Space Invaders game can be upped in difficulty is by adding more hit points to the spaceships/aliens so that they would not die that easily and have more chances to hit the player. Also, the spaceships/aliens could be invisible so that the player has a hard time find where to shoot for the hit.

Remixed Space Invaders Game

5. Attach photos or video you took of the game while you created it (if available). Describe the objects you selected. Describe the rules you created. Include any feedback others had and ways you think you could improve your game if given more time.

I selected images to my game. I have this hero image which is the game’s protagonist. The images of the protagonist reflect the actions taken good or bad that via his reactions. Happy if it is a good outcome. Sad if it a bad outcome. The rules of this game are to simply click the button that is generating points. Those points can be spent in a shop where you can buy things to upgrade the revenue of the points. When the number of points achieves a certain height, the player wins.

6. Use the "See Inside" feature on a Scratch project you did not create. What is the game called? Choose 2 blocks of code you see and guess what they do. Why did you make those guesses?

The game is called “Pokemon Battle test scratch” by J42. For the first block of code, I guess that it makes the character move because it has code that says something about arrow keys. For the second block of code, I guess it makes the opponents disappear or appear based on an event because of the hide and sow blocks on the block of code.

7. Copy and paste a link to your Scratch game.


8. Pick any game on Scratch and do at least 4 of the steps above. When you are done, share a link to your game in your Project Work!


9. Write a 2 paragraph review of an impact game you played. How is this impact game different from a regular game? Did you learn anything while playing? Why do you think the game designers made this game? What would you change if you had designed this game yourself? Your critique should comment on both the game’s ability to engage players in a global, political, or social issue, and how well it engages and “keeps” its audience.

Papers Please is an impact game that takes on the perspective of a border guard in the Cold War era. There has rarely been any games that capture the feeling and perspective of a border guard. I learned that being a border guard can be stressful and that you have responsibilities that lead to actions that effect many people's lives. Furthermore, I learned more about the culture of europeans at the time. I think the game designers made this game to simulate how chaotic and stressful a border guard job can be as well as adressing migrant issues.

There are some changes I would make to Paper's Please though. One example is making my character switch locations so that I can play at multiple areas in the country. Another change I would make is having more decisions for my character and his family. Furthermore, I would change the fidelity of the game to make it look more modern and realistic. Also, I would add more settings to the game to make it easier to run or make the game speedier.

10. Describe your top 3 Grow-A-Game ideas: Which cards did you use? How would each idea make a fun and challenging impact game about your topic? How did you decide which game ideas to include? Did you have an interesting game idea, but later rejected it for another better idea? Please share it.

One Grow-A-Games idea was a puzzle game that matched healthy foods that encourages eating healthy foods. This will have junk food or unhealthy objects like cigars and if the player matches the junk food or unhealthy objects, they get minus points. This will be fun and challenging since it tests the knowledge a person's ability to make healthy judgements on foods to eat. This can be incorporated into "A Clean and Happy Earth" since it teaches people what to consume and what not to consume which will lead to less enviromentally hazardous items being littered.

Another Grow-A-Game idea was a racing game where you chose certain paths that elevated your party to get majority of the votes for the presidential election. There will be speed boost that the player can take if the path is chosen right. This racing game could be fun and challenging if there are other racers or mechanics that can hinder the speed of the player. This could teach players how hectic and exhillerating a primary can be and feel as well as the process to win a presidential election.

The last Grow-A-Game idea was a pet simulator game that simulates the relationship between a pet and its owner. The objective of the game would be to keep yourself and your pet's happiness high by interacting with each other in a positive way. Interactions such as petting, feeding, or playing. There would be a hapiness bar that fluctaute due to the interactions taken. The game would be fun and challenging due to the puzzle of figuring how to keep yourself and your pet's happiness up. This will teach people how pets and humans can cheer each other up.

11a. To get started creating your game, review the video from Step 1 of this project, “Getting Started With Your Game” and then create a Design Document to help plan your project.

A design document is a plan for the creation of your game and it should include the following items:

A brief description of your game and the overall idea. A summary of the important issue you’re incorporating and why it matters. A list of the most important features you want. Does your game have a story? If yes, what is it and who is it about? If not, how does it address your important issue?

Make a timeline for your game. You should plan to divide your time into at least three different phases. Here’s a suggestion based on what professional game designers do. (Many professionals use slightly different terms with slightly different definitions. Use what is helpful to you):

Design Phase: In the design phase you come up with the ideas for your game, paper prototype them, and finish your design document. Paper prototypes are quick-to-build, paper versions of a game that make it easy to get feedback on your game without having to build the entire thing first. You can find an example of paper prototyping in our “Playtesting” activity in the Project Finder. During the design phase, you will also find existing Scratch games to remix and plan what you’ll need to code when you start building the game.

Alpha Phase: The alpha phase is the roughest, earliest digital version of your game. Some elements should be playable and testable, but not everything has been created yet. You may still rely on your paper prototype for the full features in your game, but some of those have should have been translated to the computer by now.

Beta - You are at the beta phase once all the features you plan to have are in your game, even if not everything works or looks right. This is sometimes called “feature complete.” Not every aspect of your game needs to be finished, but everything that you expect to be in the final version should be present in a rough way. At this point you should only be testing and refining, not adding new features to your game. You should plan to spend half of your total project time in your beta phase, so if you plan to spend 4 weeks working on your game you should plan to be at your beta phase by the start of Week 3 to make sure you have enough time to work out all the kinks in your game.

Finished! The final version of your game has been tested and debugged over and over again to make sure that it is fun and that it gives the player the experience you want them to have. You can share it with the world and brag about what a great job you did!


1. The game will be about collecting cigarrettes to clean the earth which is for the "Happy and Clean Earth" Games for Change Challenge. 2. Ciggarretes are littered everywhere on the planet which pollute the enviroment and poision the waters. The game will show one way to clean up ciggarettes. 3. Running, Jumping, items to collect, and an end. 4. The game does not have a story. The game addresses cigarrette polution by showing how much cigarretes there are to collect and are out there in the world. 5. The Design phase will be making art like people and items. The Alpha phase will consist of early builds of code and animations with the art. The Beta will have most of the game elements complete. Debugging will be most of the time spent for thise phase. The Final Product will be a more polished version of a game with fewer or no bugs.

11b. Share a link to your Scratch game and a description of it. Describe how to play your game and how players address the important issue of your theme by playing your game. If you live in Atlanta, Detroit, LA or NYC be sure to also check out the Games for Change Student Challenge!
