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Blue Cow by Gelett Burgess (published in The Lark, 1895)

I never saw a Blue Cow, I never hope to see one; But I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see than be one.

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  2. Graduate

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Wei Jian Zhen
Aspiring Computer Programmer

A Blog Post

Salutations everyone! My name is Wei Jian Zhen, and I am an aspiring programmer. I go to Informational Technology High School to learn. Most importantly, I go to Informational Technology High School to be educated about programming. I am in 12th grade, and I am in the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The CTE program teaches students how to program and prepares them for professional work/life. It also teaches students in the program skills that can prove useful in life such as time management and dedication.

I'm in the CTE program because I want to expand my knowledge of programming. I want to learn to code so that I can become a computer programmer and/or game developer. Although, I know that it is going to take a lot of effort and determination to be a satisfactory programmer. Furthermore, I aspire to improve my skills so that I can be the very best person I can or envision to be. Also, my hobbies are playing video games and watching YouTube videos.