Gridiron Gang
This movie, which came out in 2006 is centered around a coach and a teen. The teen sees his cousin get killed and and becomes emotional, so emotional that he kills his abusive stepfather. For that he is sent to a place called Camp Kilpatrick. This is the setting and it takes place in California. When the Controlling Officer (Dwayne Johnson) sees how little effect the camp system is really having on all the teens in the camp he sets out to make a football team to change that. They wind up going to the playoffs and verse the team that crushed them in their first game. They go on to win the game but lose their next game. The best thing about this movie is that it is based on a true story. The cast includes Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Xzibit. This is probably my favorite movie of all time. This is why it is on my list.