Teacher Biography: Mr. Bates


Mr. Bates

Steven Bates, Is a physical Education teacher at Information Technology High School. Steven Bates is 31 years old. Mr. Bateshas a daughter who is less then a year old. He is happily married. He was born and raised in Flushing, NY. He went to school at Flushing High school. Mr. Bates is also the coach of the Info Tech Track Team. Mr. Bates doesn't have any pets accept birds who Mr. Bates says are really annoying . He says the birds were his wife's idea. Growing up his favorite activities were baseball, football, and pretty much any sport or activity that was outdoors. A memorable experience, something he will never forget was when his father had a heart attack right before his eyes when he was 14.

It taught him a valuable lesson because his father was a heavy smoker. His father is still alive today. His friends, he said were a big part of his life. He also said he got them into more trouble then they got him into. But never anything illegal. One of his first jobs was umpiring little league baseball, which he got paid 50 dollars a game, 5 games a week. That means 250 a week for those bad at math.. In his free time (If he gets any because of his daughter) he likes to coach sports or play sports. His favorite color is green. His favorite food is beg ziti. Mr. Bates favorite movie is "Billy Madison" or anything with Adam Sandler who is his favorite actor. Mr. bates is proud of where he has gotten to in his life and says his biggest accomplishment was having a daughter.