Mr.Vanderputten Teacher Bio

Mr.Vanderputten was my old Visual Design Teacher for my sophomore year. This year He teaches Video Production with the juniors that qualified for that class. Mr.Vanderputten is one of my, and many others favorite teacher simply because he’s such a cool guy. By a cool guy I mean that he doesn’t yell at his students, he respects them, he makes a lot of jokes in his class’s to keep them entertained, and he seems more like a friend then he does a teacher. In the year that I had Mr.Vanderputten, I learned a lot about how to use programs like InDesign and Photoshop, but I also learned how to be a better person in life. I guarantee that any student who joins any class with Mr.Vanderputten, they will have at least 100 smiles on their face by the end of their year with him. 
            Mr.Vanderputten did this cool thing in class where he will tell us about things going on in his life from time to time. He would tell his students about how he was in the air force or how he was having another baby. Mr.V was also talking to us on how the in his life he has had a lot of jobs. He told us how he use to work with a news network and how he was the cameraman. He explained to us how hard it was to be a Cameraman and why he hated (he hated the job because he had no vacations on the holidays and that he had to rush to the latest scene to get the footage just to get brutal footage). Mr.V has had a lot of jobs in his life, and what most people don’t know is that he first got a degree to become a special education teacher, but later on due to his knowledge on photography, he became a tech teacher.
            Mr.Vanderputten is a very helpful teacher as well. During his time as a teacher Mr.Vanderputten has helped countless students understand how to use Programs like InDesign and Photoshop. In InDesign he help’s his students make these cool little “elements” to his project by using the tools who has shown in class in a different way. He does the same thing With Photoshop, the tool that he has shown his students how to use, he show’s them new ways of using it through out the class time to help the students feel better about their work. He also help’s his student in other ways like showing them how to make a good reassume.
According to a survey that I did on 50 students, almost every student that I surveyed replied that Mr.Vanderputten is one of the best teachers that they have had in this school. Mr.Vanderputten has become one of the best teachers to me and many other students in this school.  Mr.Vanderputten also use to talk to us about his family which made things even better for the class cause it made things different and interesting. Most of his students know that he already has his own family and that he has 2 children. It was a great experience having such a cool teacher like Mr.Vanderputten and hopefully more people get him as a teacher to see exactly what I mean by that.