Lab 1 digital design

Jagjit Singh


To make an html file you need to have the program called text edit. The first step is to open up text edit. The second step is to type in the coding you need to write for the heading. That is the open bracket, then html, and then the closing bracket. You do the exact same thing again except you put body in the brackets. Then you can put a heading by writing open bracket, h1, and then closing bracket. Then you can write what you want to write for the heading, for example i can write Digital Design class and then i put the closing bracket which is open bracket, then you put a slash, and then closing bracket. after all this you are ready to start writing your paragraph. To start off your paragraph you have to put an open bracket, then type in the letter p, and then closing bracket. After you are done typing in your paragraph then you have to put in your paragraph closing coding which is open bracket, slash, the letter p, and then closing bracket. After you have done that the last step is to type in the coding that is used to close the html and body. This coding is open bracket, slash, html, and then closing bracket. Then the other one is open bracket, slash, body, and then closing bracket.