Jagjit Singh

11/29/11 period 2-3

Ms Shin is one of our school’s Math teacher’s. She teaches geometry and trig.  She is actually my favorite teacher in this school.  Most of the students population said that they learn the best in her class.  Ms Shin is just a great teacher and it is so easy to understand the lesson because she takes it slow.  Most of the students said that she is smart, kind, caring, and helpful.  I agree with all those words.  Students also said that her work is very important because she helps us to pass the regents and enhance our math skills.
Ms Shin has changed many student lives including mine because now we know math and math is a very important everywhere.  Many students didn’t choose her as their best teacher just because math is a hard subject to learn.  Ms Shin does the best job in the school to make sure that all the students in her class learn everything.  Ms Shin is a great teacher and everybody agrees with me.  She also gives students a lot of chances to boost up their grades.  She gives us extra credit assignments and she tries to fit in as many test and quizzes as she can.
            Ms Shin always tells us that the most important thing she likes to see in all of her students is effort.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t do so well on tests and quizzes or if you don’t understand the class work fully.  As long as you show her effort you will pass with at least a sixty five percent in her class.  Students should be able to pass the tests and quizzes in her class because she does a full review of what is going to be on the test the day before.  Also she gives out a review sheet sometimes two days before so you can go home and try to solve it yourself and if you don’t understand something you can ask her the next day.  She is a fair teacher.  Ms Shin always wants to give the best grade possible to the student but she has to give the student exactly what he or she deserves.
            Ms Shin is also very respectful.  She would never disrespect a student.  She never makes the student feel out of place or out of comfort.  She keeps the room clean and she treats the students the way she expects to be treated.  She is also always focused on math and math only.  Ms Shin doesn’t like to waste time.  She tries to teach as much math in one day as she can.  She doesn’t stop teaching the class until the bell rings.  Ms Shin isn’t really strict but she does like to see students doing their work and being on task.  If she sees a student that starts to slack off then she will call that students name so he or she can get back on point.  Ms Shin is basically always on task and she is always in a teaching mood.
            Many students have agreed with me that Ms Shin is a great teacher and that she is one of the best teachers in the school.  Nobody said that she isn’t a good teacher.  Ms Shin has many years of experience as a teacher.  She is well raised and she has good manners.  I think who ever had Ms Shin, as a math teacher is very lucky.  I am lucky to have her as a math teacher right now.  Overall she is one of the best math teachers in this school.

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