Welcome to the homepage about Mr. King!

The teacher selected for the Teacher Appreciation Website.

An image of Mr. King by himself in front of a blue background.

Introducing Mr. King! He is the selected teacher for this teacher appreciation website. Mr. King is chosen for this because he is a wonderful teacher with an amazing personality who really has the dedication for his students and his career. Mr. King also has stellar hobbies that make him appeal to many young people. Ex. Video Games. The purpose of this website is to celebrate a teacher like Mr. King to honor his/her time, dedication, perseverence, commitment, teachings, and skills to everyone he/she knows around him/her. Especially his/her students.

History Fact!

Winston Churchill was Great Britain's Prime Minister during World War 2. He was a successfull leader in mitigating the German advancement into Great Britain. Winston Churchill was also named an honarary citizen of the United States of America.