
History Of company

This Company started out with two entrepenuers. One named Kyle Joshua, the other named Ezekiel Martinez. Both are hard working men who came from the inner city of New York. They started with opening one store in New York, and with the high demand for new products to spark the intrest of the youth they soon had to open a second store. Then a third, and a fourth and soon thye had a chain of stores throughout new york.They started this company to sell thier own brand of shoes and sneakers and to make a name just like the nike brand, or the jordan brand. When they were just teens they had a huge intrest in shows and different types, styles and colors of shoes. They became so kntrested that they got together and formed a company. This company is now called LiteWork Inc. This brand hasnt been around for a long time but is becoming a highly energized brand which is gaining speed and starting to gain support amongst sponsors and consumers. They now have a gross income of about $23 million. Compared to the Nike brand's gross income which is about $2,133 million it seems like small buisness but the nike brand has been around for alot longer and is more well known but that might soon change

Where company started out

This company started out where the two entrepeneurs(Kyle Joshua, Ezekiel Martinez) grew up and went to highschool. In Queens, New York. In new york they are a slightly known brand. They have thier products in selected stores all around new york and are expanding to places like New Jersey, California, Florida, Illinois and Rhode Island. But new york is where about 70% of thier buisness is with over 350 stores nationwide "LiteWork Inc." is soon becoming a top name brand. With Many different colors of shoes and designs that catch your eye, "LiteWork Inc." might soon become a national brand like nike or adiddas. Please support this up and coming super brand by reviewing and hopefully buying products on this site.All you have to do is click below.