About Page

About This Website

This website is made to present my abilities as a web designer. Visual Design (VD) displays all of the digital artwork I created with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Digital Design (DD) demonstrates beginner level to intermediate websites and games with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web Client Programming (WCP) displays the latest websites that present my best potential/skills that I have learned or implemented thus far.

About Me

Salutations to whom who may read this text. My name is Wei Jian Zhen and I am an aspiring programmer and an unorthodox gaming enthusiast. Over the course of 3 years of technical education at Information Technology High School, I learned many programs, languages, and skills from the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program taught by Information Technology's exceptional teachers. The class that I took related to Information Technology's CTE program assisted in furthering my professionalism, individualism and professions so that I can be a productive citizen that is able to contribute to the world. I learned programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Atom.io. I practiced public speaking skills and entrepreneurship skills. Furthermore, I am Adobe Certified in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. I also have knowledge in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft Excel, HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, Jquery, and much more. Now even with all of these technical skills aquired, I still have much to learn and to improve upon before I am an expert as a programmer or as an individual, from researching improved design layouts to practicing standard work-site procedures.

Wei Jian Zhen dressed as formally as he can for a presentation

My Skills

Certified in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

HTML: Proficient

CSS: Proficient

JavaScript: Knowledgable
